News Corp Scandal Media Coverage in US Newspapers

In our previous post we showed some results about the reputation impact of News of the World scandal in News Corporation media reputation. Now we analyze how main newspapers in the United States are covering the scandal. News of the World phone hacking scandal has had up to now direct consequences for Rupert Murdoch’s media…

Movimiento 15-M, Democracia Real Ya: Perception by Local Newspapers El Mundo, El País, Intereconomía, Público

In the precedent post we showed our first analysis about the phenomenon Democracia Real Ya as viewed by international media. We mentioned that this unprecedented initiative in Spain and the extent of its impact is taking also local media by surprise, and makes them difficult to explain and judge it. We capture in this post…

Bin Laden Killing News Storyline 1. Pakistan Media Coverage versus International Media (Ex USA)

We showed a couple of posts some few hours after that Bin Laden’s killing was known. Ten days after, we have accumulated information about media coverage of this issue. As the event has produced a massive global media attention, we can cover the analysis of Bin Laden media impact under several perspectives. Like the analysis…

Bin Laden Killed. Initial Media Coverage and Perception in United States, UK, Pakistan and Indonesia

We open a new series of analysis of this new major event. It is now officially confirmed that Ossama Bin Laden has been killed in Pakistan in a US special operation. Massive media coverage will come. As in precedent crisis, we will try to offer the information and knowledge that can be gathered by media…

American Companies Most Affected by Japan Earthquake, Tsunami or Fukushima Nuclear Crisis, by Media Impact

In a previous post we showed the list of top 50 companies in Europe most affected by Japan disaster, in terms of media coverage received in relation with the catastrophe. List was dominated by energy companies and insurance and financial institutions. In this post we show the list concerning the American companies. We show exactly…