Who Is Julian Assange? Check First Where You Read The News (and II)

Please refer to the precedent post for the explanation on how we have estimated the results we present in this post about Julian Assange’s media profile according to local newspapers in th United States, United Kingdom and Australia.

We show below additional set of issues related to Assange’s media coverage.

Fist two graphs refer to news clearly not centered to Julian Assange personality, but to the content of news revealed by his organization Wikileaks. While we showed in the precedent post that media from Britain and Australia are more focussed in the legal process and in the assessment of Wikileaks role, media in United States center media coverage on the analysis of the content of the cables, specially with issues that tend to explain the role of US Department of State, like “terrorism”, “Corruption”, “Human Rights”, “Conflict” or “Genocide”. The few excepctions in this global trend refers to “Torture”, as this issue may refer in some cases to the denonciation of illegal actions of US Army members, “Amnesty International”, which again can refer is some cases to US activities instead of that of undemocratic regimes. The other issues under reported by US press are “Riots”, “Violent Crime” and “Intolerance”.

As for issues directly related to business and the economy, the storyline is apparently similar in all countries.

Our blog states that Wikileaks is also a reputational crisis. The next graph refers to how media from each country perceive this aspect. Our empirical data suggest that reputation and public opinion impact of Julian Assange activities are considered more by British and Australian media than by Americans. This result is sustained in all cases identified. It can even be considered as a minor issue if we just refer to the extent of the media coverage given by US newspapers to these issues.

Finally, we show the media attention given to different regions and countries of the world, always in relation with Julian Assange. Again, we assume that in many news, they refer to the content analysis of revealed cables, and the role of Assange in these news is probably marginal or acting as mere source. We find mixed attitudes concerning the media attention given to the regions. US media looks clearly to the Americas and Middle East, while they pay few attention to Europe in comparison with British and Australian media.

Looking at individual countries, Sweden appears logically as a key player, as is the origine of all the judiciary battle. Is a special sensitive issue for US and British media. As for countries specially sensitive for US foreign policy, we observe how US media is strongly focussed in China and Iran, in comparison with the other countries. Iraq and Israel are a common concern. In comparison with the media attention givent to the mentioned countries, the relevance given to problems and conflicts with Venezuela is almost irrelevant.